Compelite Limited

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Outsourced IT Support

Now, more than ever, companies are paying attention to the bottom line and watching costs. You can reduce your fixed IT Staffing Costs with Compelite’s Outsourced IT Support!

Compelite has been in the business of supporting companies of all sizes and industries for over 10 years in terms of their IT services. Why keep an expensive IT technician on payroll when we can offer you a cost-effective option with a four-hour response promise, remote assistance and a help line?

Our IT support costs are LOW and we have a LARGE POOL of multi-talented IT technicians. Call today to find out how we can lower your IT costs in 2009.

Feel free to contact David at or 2524 3303 for more information on how our Outsourced IT Support service can help you…
