Compelite Limited

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Featured Client - 3 Kayas

One of the things that makes working at Compelite so interesting is the wide variety of clients we have, and learning more about their backgrounds. A perfect instance of this is one of our latest clients, 3 Kayas.

3 Kayas is a formalization of some property activities which the owner, Jon, has had in Bali and Java for a while which he is now going to take forward. In Bahasa Indonesia “kaya” means rich/riches; the “3” refers mainly to Jon’s sons (aged 7, 5 and 3.)

Prior to this venture, Jon was a lawyer and partner in private practice for 22 years with a leading international law firm working mainly in London and Hong Kong, with periods in other major European cities as well. He quit the law 3 years ago and in his own words “feels very lucky to have got out alive. It was a remunerative job but hard work and long hours, even though I was the laziest lawyer I knew.”

Jon’s focus now is his family and their 3 sons – according to Jon, “it’s hard work but a great joy and I’m not so lazy any more!” They’ve lived in Hong Kong for over ten years, most of that on the South Side of HK Island. Jon told us “I don't leave Stanley much, other to visit Compelite’s offices, which are happily next door to where I train in Shaolin Wushu, my other principal diversion outside of the family.”

We enjoyed working with Jon very much during his project, and we asked him how he liked working with us. He said, “The exercise of building the website with Compelite has been great and I’ve enjoyed the whole process. I surprised myself how interested I could be in designing something that is close to my heart and it was fun communicating with Leon and the others [at Compelite] and seeing the ideas come to life. They were very patient and professional!”

Compelite is proud to have worked with Jon to help him develop his Corporate Identity/Logo and Website for his development land in Java. And we look forward to working with him in the future as he looks to roll out 3 Kayas to include the beachside development land that he has in West Bali!

For more information on 3 Kayas and their land development, please contact Jon at And for more information on how we can help you to make your ideas come to life please contact Graham Leach at 2524 3303 or

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